The Palm Beach Hall, land and associated building (The Red Shed) is owned by the residents and ratepayers of Palm Beach. This ownership is protected by being under the umbrella of the Palm Beach Progressive Association Inc ‐ a registered charitable trust since September 2010. The Hall is available for Rent for individual and community use.
The Hall is taken care of by a small hard working group of locals who are responsible for the up keep of the building and grounds, including the Red Shed.
Its a charming facility which oozes character and has seen many a special occasion celebrated under its roof over the years. A real treasure which we have the responsibility to ensure is enjoyed by many more for many more years to come.
Please email or phone the Bookings Team to get your name on the Calendar
Hall Bookings: Please contact Debbie Styles: email
The Hall is used for a range of weekly regular activities including Yoga, Dance, Zumba, Drama, Playback Theatre and Choir.
The facility is also used as a meeting place for various community groups from Diabetes Support to Rebus.
The second Friday evening of the month is an open invitation to residents to MIX/MINGLE 5-7pm.
You can hire the Hall and kitchen to host a Show or have a celebration such as a Wedding or a special birthday.
Check event photos and latest news on Facebook: here
The Hall capacity is 100 persons.
The hourly Rate for regular users is $15 per hour
Rate for one-off bookings is $25 per hour plus $20 per day for the use of the Kitchen
The rental for a FULL day/night function is $375 (with $500 bond if liquor or entertainment involved)
Please email with your enquiry for the full terms and conditions.
Most of the day to day running expenses are covered by the rental income derived from Hall users, many of them regulars.
There are rates, insurance, electricity, repairs and maintenance bills necessary to run and protect this wonderful community asset.
We would very much appreciate your support by way of a yearly subscription
A family membership is $40
Individual is $20
Funds can be paid direct to:
Palm Beach Progressive Association
Ref Sub and ADD your Surname in the Particulars
A receipt can be issued if you request.
Drive into Palm Beach ‐ carry on down Palm Road to the end
The Hall and the Red Shed are on the left
The Hall is at 74 Palm Rd (Google Map): Map
The Red Shed Arts Collective is next door (Google Map): Map